Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What\’s the goal of your data?

We will make use of your email address to email you a confirmation of your purchase.

Your IP address will be immediately recorded every time you visit this website. We are able to learn more about your browser and operating system through this data.

If you accept that we send you email messages to let you know about the newest products we offer, store openings or any other relevant information.

Section 2: Consent

How can I get my permission in the most efficient way?

If you provide us with personal information in order to make a payment or verify your credit card\’s number, make your transaction on the internet, or to arrange for return, delivery, or exchange a product, you are implying that you consent to the collection and use only for this particular use only.

We\’ll request your permission directly, or offer you the option to decline if we need your information to fulfill a non-related need like marketing.

Section 3: Disclosure

There are times when we have to release the personal details of your customers when required by law or as a result of you violating the terms of our services.


Third-party service providers that we work with do not store or transfer data only as needed in order to provide the service.

Some third-party providers like payments processors and gateways, have privacy policies that govern the information we are required to provide in order for the transaction to go through.

It is essential to review the privacy policies, and be aware of how they deal with your data.

Be aware that some companies operate offices or facilities in a different jurisdiction than you or us. Your personal information is likely to fall under the law of the country in which this provider\’s office or is located.


We will use every reasonable means to safeguard your information that you provide us.

All credit card data is stored in a secure way and sent via AES 256 security. Although no encryption method, or storage system is guaranteed to provide 100% security, we abide by the PCI DSS and similar standards of the industry.


You confirm that when you access this website you have complied with the age restrictions in the state or province where you reside or have agreed to allow minors who depend on you, gain access to this site.